Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Reflection in Munoz Blog

What is the difference between assimilating and giving in to a new society?

A lot of people think that assimilating to a new society means to change your name, the way you look, and even the way you dress. Manuel Munoz argues that people do all this different things in order to feel “included” into a new environment, it can go from a new country to even a new group of friends. I would personally argue the same but twisting it a little bit more. Many people have a misconception as far as what the difference is between assimilating and giving in. For instance, for me, when I came to the Unites States it was really difficult for me to come to the realization that I was going to leave here and that this country was going to be my “new home” . It took me about three years to finally come to my senses and assimilate the American Culture. -When I mention the word assimilate, I refer to the idea of getting used to the American Culture, to the idea of finally coming to the realization that I’m here and this is what I call home now. - For example, I learned how to speak the language and I am really fluent on it, yet I still speak Spanish –my native language- all the time when I am around my family. I’ve been told that I dressed like a “preppy Gringo” all the time. I’ve been called whitewash, coconut, Oreo, so many names that I cannot even keep track of them. Despite all the mentioned reasons, my name is still Jorge instead of George, my last name still De la concha instead of “Di La Cancha” so have a I assimilated enough?
I often hear in the Latino Markets while shopping for groceries names that catch my attention. Junior, Jimmy, Andrew, Mary, Emily, those are just some that make me wonder if those persons or their parents have assimilated or give in to the American Culture. When someone gives in to the culture, is a form of giving up on your previous culture. Changing your name, refusing to speak their native language, deny that they are from a different country and making themselves believe that they’re Americans. There are many factors. What I am trying to say is that giving into the culture is to adopt a new one, while completely dropping the one that was previously established.

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